Open Your Door to Excellence

What brings you here?

Struggling to either adapt to changes around you, or to lead your team through change, either needed or unexpected?

Frustrated trying to make it all fit on your calendar, not sure how to optimize your time for both success and fun?

Unable to articulate what you want next out of your career - or exactly what you bring to the table?

Does any of this sound familiar?

Then Dallao Coaching could help you transform!

I coach leaders, entrepreneurs, people…

You do not need to accept anxiety, feeling overwhelmed, frustration, uncertainty, or feeling “stuck” as companions on your career path.

I want you to feel empowered to create the life and career that will bring you joy and satisfaction.

I believe you can excel at work and be happy at the same time!

Let’s talk about how.

About Your Coach

Hi, I’m Kiki.

I work with people who are ready to level up in life - people who are looking to embrace their excellence by stepping outside of their comfort zone and taking bold action.

As a corporate leader and higher ed professional for 20 years, I’ve consistently found ways to bring joy to the every day and have motivated countless others to tap into their authentic selves and succeed. When you are your true self, not faking it, you are most successful. 

The world needs better leaders, and I’m here to help you become one. 

My credentials include a BA in Communications, M.Ed in Higher Education, MBA in Business and Consulting, and Associate Certified Coach (ACC) by the International Coaching Federation. 

Excellence is always available to you… it’s your turn to take the next step to evolve.

I encourage you to schedule your initial complimentary call.

On the call we will:

  • Discuss and begin to define your vision, what you want to be different or better

  • Walk through obstacles to your excellence (it’s usually not what you think it is…)

  • Create a next step plan to activate your excellence

  • Kiki has an amazing ability to listen with empathy and genuine care, and also make observations that challenge my way of thinking. Through thoughtful and pointed questions, our conversations leave me energized to take action and fueled with simplified focus to achieve my goals, personally and professionally.

    Gboyega A. - Entrepreneur & Podcast Host

  • Working with Kiki helped me break out of a major rut in my career. She helped me refocus on my career goals rather than letting inertia keep me in a role that wasn't actually satisfying. Our recurring conversations helped me create an action plan to pursue new projects and revenue streams, hold myself accountable, and get excited about my work again.

    Kim F. - Public Relations & Crisis Management

  • Kiki has been integral in helping me get out of a limited view of the world that has been holding me back in my career. Having a safe, consistent space to talk through challenges has made me a more confident leader for my team and for myself. After working with Kiki, I have a new title, a larger team, and more tools to be the strategic and strong leader the team needs.

    Brian H. - Chief Operating Officer - Education